sonicbowties wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 11, 2011 20:04
oh god, what is today?, 10 things i hate about life, 2 + 2 = 5, virgil is a poet and he didn't know it, fffffffffffffffffff, must not tell lies, aaaand your results are in
sonicbowties wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 02, 2011 19:32
heaven has taste, be my guest, school doesn't always suck, fun fun fun, after school special, history is no longer a sedative, adorkable, virgil is a poet and he didn't know it, poetry of heart break, angel not a fool, angelll of miiiine, fish sticks and custard, mad man with a box, being awesome, new teacher, british hottie, fierce~, bowties are cool, improving education, hide yo demons